A Selection of Images from Sierra Remote Observatories
The images below were obtained with a 16" Ion Milled RCOS Ritchey-Chretien telescope (f/9 with 3658mm FL) on a Paramount ME mount using a full frame ZWO ASI 6200MM CMOS back-illuminated camera and the Starlight Xpress AO (USB version). A Starlight Xpress 9 position FW houses Astrodon Gen 2 LRGB and NB filters. Focusing and rotation via Optec Gemini Focusing Rotator. The computer is a Custom PrimaLuceLab Eagle4 Pro (modified with 62 GB RAM and a 4 TB internal SSD). All images were taken from Sierra Remote Observatories.
Images from Sierra Remote Observatories
M1 by Bray Falls: December 15, 2020 (LRGB + Ha/SII/OIII) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
Sh2-274 by Bray Falls: February 15, 2021 (LRGB + Ha/SII/OIII) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
NGC 1999 by Bray Falls: March 9, 2021 (LRGB + Ha) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
NGC 4565 (Needle Galaxy) by Bray Falls: April 24, 2021 (LRGB-Ha) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
NGC 2276 by Bray Falls: May 21, 2021 (LRGB-Ha) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
M27 (The Dumbbell Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: July, 4, 2021 (LRGB-SHO) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week. APOD on July 12, 2021
M82 by Bray Falls: February 1, 2021 (Ha-LRGB) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
Heart of M42 by Bray Falls: March 2, 2021 (RGB-Ha). SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
M104 (Sombrero Galaxy) by Bray Falls: April 16, 2021 (LRGB) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
NGC 4321 by Bray Falls: May 8, 2021 (LRGB-Ha) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
M13 by Bray Falls: May 29, 2021 (LRGB) - SRO Virtual Astrophotography: Best Image of the Week
NGC 6960 (The Western Veil Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: August 21, 2021 (LRGB-Ha/SII/OIII)
NGC 6888 (The Crescent Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: September 1, 2021 (LRGB-Ha/SII/OIII) .
M33 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: October 24, 2021. LRGB/Ha image with total imaging time of 17.3 hours
IC 1805 (Melotte 15) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: December 7, 2021. Ha/SII/OIII image with total imaging time of 21 hours
The Cone Nebula by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: January 1, 2022. LRGB/Ha with a total imaging time of 26 hours.
IC405 (The Flaming Star Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: March 1, 2022. Ha-SII-OIII with a total imaging time of 25 hours.
M63 (Sunflower Galaxy) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: April 1, 2022. LRGB image with a total imaging time of 23 hours.
M87 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: May 15, 2022. LRGB image with a total of 21 hours of imaging time.
NGC 6946 (Fireworks Galaxy) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: LRGB-Ha with a total image time of 23 hours on June 30, 2022.
NGC 6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: LRGB-Ha/SII/OIII with a total image time of 28 hours on July 15, 2022.
NGC 7293 (Helix Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: October 11, 2021. LRGB/HaOIII image with total imaging time of 30 hours
The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: November 25, 2021. LRGB/Ha image with total imaging time of 30 hours
NGC 1435 (Merope Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: December 10, 2021. LRGB image with total imaging time of 13 hours
M42 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: December 15, 2021. LRGB/Ha with a total imaging time of 18 hours.
M51 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: January 15, 2022. LRGB with a total imaging time of 30 hours.
M106 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: March 15, 2022. LRGB image with a total imaging time of 22 hours.
M104 (Sombrero Galaxy) by Bray Falls & Keith Quattrocchi: May 15, 2022 (LRGB) - Total imaging time of 30 hours
. M20 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: June 15, 2022. LRGB-Ha image with a total of 23 hours of imaging time.
M8 (Lagoon Nebula) Mosaic by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: LRGB-Ha with a total image time of 43 hours on June 30, 2022.
NGC 7380 (The Wizard Nebula) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: Ha/SII/OIII with a total image time of 39 hours on August 15, 2022
Mars Occultation by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi. Imaged in December 2022. Mars seen over lunar landscape.
StDrSa by Bray Falls: This remarkable image demonstrates a large nebulosity adjacent to M31. The object is believed to result from either an M32 stellar stream, galactic shock wave (M31 and our Milky Way Galaxy) or supernova remnant within the Milky Way Galaxy. StDrSa is currently the subject of professional investigation. A total of 189 hours of OIII/Ha/R/G/B
High resolution of The Blue Sprites of m24 (G013.3-01.3). Discoved by Bray Falls using a Tak106FSQ at SRO. OIII - RGB image for a total of 110 hours. July 20, 2023
NGC 7008 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi: Ha/SII/OIII + RGB with a total image time of 40 hours. August 25, 2023
M31 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi. This unique image represents 159 hours of RGB image time, requiring the the integration of 25 panel mosaics. December 15, 2022.
Eastern Veil Nebula (Ngc 6960) by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi. Ha/OIII + RGB with a total image time of 54 hours. June 15, 2023.
High resolution of the Unexplained Nebula M31 by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi. Ha-OIII-RGB image for a total of 130 hours of imaging time. August 1, 2023.
New Discovery by Bray Falls: Supernova Remnant G107.5-52 (The Nereides Nebula) in Cassiopia. Ha/SII/OIII and L/R/G/B collected from California (at Sierra Remote Observatories by Bray Falls), Morocco (by Yann Sainty) and France (by Nicolas Martino, Richard Galli and Yann Sainty). November 16, 2023. For more information: https://www.astrobin.com/towmdb/
Supernova Remnant G209.8.8.2 in Orion (aka, "Atlas"). Radio emissions from this area first noted by Marcel Drechsler with this SNR first seen by Bray Falls, while inspecting a faint O-III emission in an image by himself and Curtis Morgan. The image is a 327 hour composit by Bray Falls, Marcel Drechsler, Kaeouach Aziz, Curtis Morgan and Yann Sainty. For more information go to https://www.astrobin.com/zyam76/. March 1, 2024. Publication in process (arxiv.org)
SRO Virtual Astrophotographer Awards and Publications
APOD: May 14, 2021: M104 (Sombrero Galaxy) by Bray Falls: Image compiled April 16, 2021 (LRGB)
APOD on July 12, 2021. M27 (Dumbbell Nebula: LRGB/SHO Image by Bray Falls and Keith Quattrocchi.
Sky & Telescope: August 1, 2021: M104 (Sombrero Galaxy) by Bray Falls: Image compiled April 16, 2021 (LRGB).
Supernova Remnant G209.8.8.2 in Orion (aka, "Atlas"). Radio emissions from this area first noted by Marcel Drechsler with this SNR first seen by Bray Falls, while inspecting a faint O-III emission in an image by himself and Curtis Morgan. The image is a 327 hour composit by Bray Falls, Marcel Drechsler, Kaeouach Aziz, Curtis Morgan and Yann Sainty. For more information go to https://www.astrobin.com/zyam76/. March 1, 2024. Publication in process (arxiv.org).